Overweight and obesity are associated with clustering of metabolic risk factors in early pregnancy and the risk of GDM

I. Weng Yen, Chien Nan Lee, Ming Wei Lin, Kang Chih Fan, Jung Nan Wei, Kuan Yu Chen, Szu Chi Chen, Yi Yun Tai, Chun Heng Kuo, Chia Hung Lin, Chih Yao Hsu, Lee Ming Chuang, Shin Yu Lin, Hung Yuan Li*

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51 Scopus citations


Aim Overweight and obesity are important risk factors of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Clustering of metabolic risk factors in early pregnancy may be a potential pathogenesis between the link of overweight/obesity and GDM. Since it remains unexplored, we investigated if overweight and obesity are associated with clustering of metabolic risk factors in early pregnancy and the risk of GDM in this cohort study. Methods Total 527 women who visited National Taiwan University Hospital for prenatal care in between November 2013 to April 2018 were enrolled. Risk factors of GDM in the first prenatal visit (FPV) were recorded. Overweight/obesity was defined if body mass index ≥24 kg/ m2. GDM was diagnosed from the result of a 75g oral glucose tolerance test in 24–28 gestational weeks. Results Overweight/obesity was associated with clustering of metabolic risk factors of GDM, including high fasting plasma glucose, high HbA1c, insulin resistance, high plasma triglyceride and elevated blood pressure in FPV (p<0.05). There was a positive relationship between the number of metabolic risk factors and the incidence of GDM (p <0.05). The odds ratios of HbA1c and diastolic blood pressure were higher in overweight/obese women, compared with those in normal-weight women.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere0225978
JournalPLoS ONE
Issue number12
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2019


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