Organizational Resilience and Using Information and Communication Technologies to Rebuild Communication Structures

Lisa V. Chewning, Chih-Hui Lai, Marya L. Doerfel

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

99 Scopus citations


This study employs the perspective of organizational resilience to examine how information and communication technologies (ICTs) were used by organizations to aid in their recovery after Hurricane Katrina. In-depth interviews enabled longitudinal analysis of ICT use. Results showed that organizations enacted a variety of resilient behaviors through adaptive ICT use, including information sharing, (re)connection, and resource acquisition. Findings emphasize the transition of ICT use across different stages of recovery, including an anticipated stage. Key findings advance organizational resilience theory with an additional source of resilience, external availability. Implications and contributions to the literature of ICTs in disaster contexts and organizational resilience are discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)237-263
Number of pages27
JournalManagement Communication Quarterly
Issue number2
StatePublished - May 2013


  • computer mediated communication
  • organizational change
  • organizational communication
  • organizational structures


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