Organic thin-film transistors with AIN film as a gate-insulator by RFIICF sputtering

Kuo Hsi Yen*, Hsiao-Wen Zan, Chueh Ping Ko, Pu Kuan Liu, Tzu Yueh Chang, Kuo Hai Su, Chiung Sheng Wei, Po-Tsung Lee, Chien Hsun Chen, Chun Ming Yeh, Jennchang Hwang

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1 Scopus citations


We firstly fabricated the organic thin-film transistors with sputtered-AIN film as the gate insulator. The AIN film was deposited by the RF-ICP (Induced Couple Plasma) sputtering. The demonstrated pentacene based TFTs had on/off current ratio around 4 and mobility around 5×10-4 cm 2/Vs without any surface treatment and pentacene purification. All optimized conditions for this new proposed device were under processing.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)56-58
Number of pages3
JournalSID Conference Record of the International Display Research Conference
StatePublished - Sep 2005
Event25th Internatioanl Display Research Conference, EURODISPLAY 2005 - Edinburgh, SCO, United Kingdom
Duration: 20 Sep 200522 Sep 2005


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