On Decoder Ties for the Binary Symmetric Channel with Arbitrarily Distributed Input

Ling Hua Chang*, Po Ning Chen, Fady Alajaji

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The error probability of block codes sent under a non-uniform input distribution over the memoryless binary symmetric channel (BSC) and decoded via the maximum a posteriori (MAP) decoding rule is investigated. It is proved that the ratio of the probability of MAP decoder ties to the probability of error grows most linearly in blocklength when no MAP decoding ties occur, thus showing that decoder ties do not affect the code’s error exponent. This result generalizes a similar recent result shown for the case of block codes transmitted over the BSC under a uniform input distribution.

Original languageEnglish
Article number668
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 2023


  • binary symmetric channel
  • block codes
  • decoder ties
  • error exponent
  • error probability
  • joint source-channel coding
  • maximum a posteriori (MAP) decoding
  • non-uniformly distributed channel inputs


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