New Printed Filtering Antenna with Selectivity Enhancement

Chao-Tang Chuang, Shyh-Jong Chung

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

28 Scopus citations


In this paper, a new printed filtering antenna with selectivity enhancement is presented. Based on the co-design approach, the printed meander-line antenna and a quarter-wavelength resonator are used and integrated to be the filtering antenna. Here, an antenna performs not only a radiator but also the last resonator of the bandpass filter. A new structure of the quarter-wavelength resonator is also proposed, which can provide a shunt resonator with high capacitance and introduce two extra transmission zeros for selectivity enhancement. According to the filter specifications, a design procedure is depicted in detail. One example of a 2.45 GHz two-pole filtering antenna is described based on the second-order Chebyshev bandpass filter with 0.1 dB equal-ripple response. Furthermore, the proposed structure supply good filter skirt selectivity. The measured results, including the return loss and antenna gain versus frequency, have good agreement with the designed one.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
StatePublished - 29 Sep 2009
Event37th European Microwave Conference - Rome, Italy
Duration: 29 Sep 20091 Oct 2009


Conference37th European Microwave Conference


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