Modelling rarefied hypersonic reactive flows using the direct simulation Monte Carlo method

Ming Chung Lo, Cheng Chin Su, Jong-Shinn Wu*, Kun Chang Tseng

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

12 Scopus citations


This paper presents the implementation, validation and application of TCE (total collision energy) model for simulating hypersonic reactive flows in a parallel direct simulation Monte Carlo code, named PDSC++, using an unstructured grid. A series of benchmarking test cases, which include reproduction of theoretical rate constants in a single cell, 2D hypersonic flow past a cylinder and 2D-axisymmetric hypersonic flow past a sphere, were performed to validate the implementation. Finally, detailed aerothermodynamics of the flown reentry Apollo 6 Command Module at 105 km is simulated to demonstrate the powerful capability of the PDSC++ in treating realistic hypersonic reactive flow at high altitude.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1095-1121
Number of pages27
JournalCommunications in Computational Physics
Issue number4
StatePublished - 15 Oct 2015


  • DSMC
  • TCE (total collision energy)
  • chemistry
  • hypersonic
  • non-equilibrium


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