Low computational complexity pitch based VAD for dynamic environment in hearing aids

Yu Jui Chen*, Cheng Wen Wei, Yi Le Meng, Shyh-Jye Jou

*Corresponding author for this work

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionpeer-review

    1 Scopus citations


    This paper presents a low computational complexity and high robust voice activity detection (VAD) algorithm. The algorithm is based on an efficient time-domain pitch detection and harmonic structure discrimination exploiting frequency decomposition by 1/3 octave filter bank defined in ANSI S1.11 standard. In addition, a simple yet efficient phoneme keeper (PK) is adopted for the detection of monosyllable languages, such as Mandarin. Simulation results reveal that the proposed VAD has very robust performance for Mandarin speeches in different environments, even for dynamic SNR (signal to noise ratio) and noise type. Furthermore, in white noise with 0dB SNR, the proposed VAD still has about 90 percent accuracy.

    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationInformation and Management Engineering - International Conference, ICCIC 2011, Proceedings
    Number of pages8
    EditionPART 5
    StatePublished - 19 Sep 2011
    Event2011 International Conference on Computing, Information and Control, ICCIC 2011 - Wuhan, China
    Duration: 17 Sep 201118 Sep 2011

    Publication series

    NameCommunications in Computer and Information Science
    NumberPART 5
    Volume235 CCIS
    ISSN (Print)1865-0929


    Conference2011 International Conference on Computing, Information and Control, ICCIC 2011


    • Dynamic Noise Environment
    • Hearing Aids
    • Mandarin Chinese
    • Pitch
    • Voice Activity Detection


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