Iterative Collision Resolution for Slotted ALOHA with NOMA for Heterogeneous Devices

Yu-Chih Huang*, Shin Lin Shieh, Yu Pin Hsu, Hao Ping Cheng

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20 Scopus citations


In this paper, the problem of using uncoordinated multiple access (UMA) to serve a massive amount of heterogeneous users is investigated. Leveraging the heterogeneity, we propose a novel UMA protocol, called iterative collision resolution for slotted ALOHA (IRSA) with non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA), to improve the conventional IRSA. In addition to the inter-slot successive interference cancellation (SIC) technique used in existing IRSA-based schemes, the proposed protocol further employs the intra-slot SIC technique that enables collision resolution for certain configurations of collided packets. A novel multi-dimensional density evolution is then proposed to analyze and to optimize the proposed protocol. Simulation results show that the proposed IRSA with NOMA protocol can efficiently exploit the heterogeneity among users and the multi-dimensional density evolution can accurately predict the throughput performance. Last, an extension of the proposed IRSA with NOMA protocol to the frame-asynchronous setting is investigated, where a boundary effect similar to that in spatially-coupled low-density parity check codes can be observed to bootstrap the decoding process.

Original languageEnglish
Article number9354838
Pages (from-to)2948-2961
Number of pages14
JournalIEEE Transactions on Communications
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2021


  • Slotted ALOHA
  • density evolution
  • diversity slotted ALOHA
  • non-orthogonal multiple access
  • successive interference cancellation


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