Investigation of whispering gallery mode dependence on cavity geometry of quasiperiodic photonic crystal microcavity lasers

Po Tsung Lee*, Tsan Wen Lu, Feng Mao Tsai, Tien Chang Lu

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26 Scopus citations


Dodecagonal (12-fold) quasiperiodic photonic crystal (DQPC) microcavity lasers sustaining whispering gallery mode (WGM) are fabricated. Lasing characteristics of DQPC D2 microcavity lasers are obtained and compared with triangular lattice D2 photonic crystal (PC) lasers, and ultralow threshold is obtained. The strong WGM mode dependence on 12 nearest airholes of DQPC D2 microcavity and its fabrication tolerance is investigated and discussed by randomly varying the lattice of two separate regions. This mode dependence also indicates that one can enhance a WGM in different PC microcavities by modifying the cavity boundary to be circular.

Original languageEnglish
Article number231111
Pages (from-to)1-3
Number of pages3
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number23
StatePublished - 4 Dec 2006


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