How transit-oriented development concepts and strategies influenced green transport systems: A meta-analysis approach

Barbara T.H. Yen*, Corinne Mulley, Maggie Y.J. Chen, Yu-Chiun Chiou

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Transit-oriented development (TOD) is a major planning tool to promote green transport mode share. There are many previous studies in this field but with very diverse research focuses and outcomes. This study has classified the research purposes of previous studies into four categories: exploratory; potential and challenges; performance evaluation; and in-depth investigation. To identify critical factors that might influence green transport systems, a systematic literature review is delivered via a meta-analysis. Specifically, green transport mode share was set as the dependent variable and a proxy for TOD outcomes. From the model results, several key factors are identified. For example, built environment planning (e.g., pedestrian sidewalks) plays a critical role in green transport systems. The main findings of this paper can provide clear direction to current TOD, such as how to improve TOD outcomes and providing planning guidance for potential TOD.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100136
JournalAsian Transport Studies
StatePublished - Jan 2024


  • Meta-analysis
  • Sustainability
  • Systematic literature review
  • TOD
  • Transit oriented development


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