Fuzzy modeling - Part II: A new fuzzy suction controller for tracking the gradient directions of fuzzy potential energy

Kuo Yang Tu, Tsu Tian Lee, Chi-Hsu Wang

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


In this part, a New Fuzzy Suction Controller (NFSC), based on the first type of fuzzy modeling, is proposed using its linguistic rules to design a controller like a suction controller. According to new interpreting switching conditions of a suction controller, three rules are derived to design the linguistic rules of a NFSC such that it reduces chattering and expends less energy than a suction controller does. A design procedure summarizes the NFSC design. In addition, the linguistic rules are designed to have sliding sectors to control a mobile robot for tracking FPE gradient directions with obstacle avoidance. It's the demonstration of motion control in robot navigation using the proposed FPE discussed in Part I of this paper. The simulation includes the robot starting outside or inside a U-shaped obstacle. The proposed NFSC provides a flexible way for adjusting the controller functions using linguistic rules based on the first type of fuzzy modeling.

Original languageAmerican English
Number of pages6
StatePublished - 25 May 2003
EventThe IEEE International conference on Fuzzy Systems - St. Louis, MO, United States
Duration: 25 May 200328 May 2003


ConferenceThe IEEE International conference on Fuzzy Systems
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CitySt. Louis, MO


  • Fuzzy Logic Controllers
  • Fuzzy modeling
  • Motion Control


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