Flow dynamics in injection molding with microfeatures

Goujun Xu, Xin Hu, Kurt W. Koelling, Ly James Lee

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Filling the microchannels is very important in designing micro-injection molding, microdevices, etc. In this paper, flow dynamics was studied in injection molding with microchannels. Transparent PMMA molds were designed and the flow dynamics was observed using fluorescence microscope and PS fluorescence spheres. The experiment was performed with PEO solutions, HEC solutions and silicone oil. The effect of main flow velocity, inlet pressure, viscosity, relaxation time and extensional properties on the flow pattern, vortex, and flow competition between the base plate and the microchannels was studied. The flow observation was used to explain previous filling length results in microchannels during micro-injection molding. Finally, the simulation with FENE dumbbell (chain) model based on the CONNFFESSIT approach was carried out to compare with the experimental results on the vortex size at the steady state.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
StatePublished - Oct 2005
Event05AIChE: 2005 AIChE Annual Meeting and Fall Showcase - Cincinnati, OH, United States
Duration: 30 Oct 20054 Nov 2005


Conference05AIChE: 2005 AIChE Annual Meeting and Fall Showcase
Country/TerritoryUnited States
CityCincinnati, OH


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