FLASH-TW experiment status report

T. C. Liu, F. Y. Chang, C. C. Chen, C. W. Chen, M. A. Huang, W. Y.P. Hwang, G. L. Lin

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

1 Scopus citations


FLASH-TW is an experiment to measure the shower lateral and longitudinal profiles. We perform the shower profile measurement by shooting the 1.5 GeV electron beams in NSRRC on targets made of 15 aluminum blocks, each with a thickness of 2.9 cm. A scintillator (Al2O3: Cr)) is placed behind the targets, converting the secondary shower particles into light. The light from the central region of the shower is recorded by a CCD camera while the light from the outer region is monitored by PMTs. The CCD system is successfully implemented in the run 2 and run 3 of experiment FLASH at SLAC. A test run of the current experiment has been conducted in NSRRC in the past June to study the scintillator spectrum. Two more runs are planned from now to the year 2006 to measure the shower lateral and longitudinal profiles.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
StatePublished - 2005
Event29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2005 - Pune, India
Duration: 3 Aug 200510 Aug 2005


Conference29th International Cosmic Ray Conference, ICRC 2005


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