Factors influencing the adoption of the release of prescription information system and the separation of drug prescribing and dispensing

Pei Chen Sung*, Cheng-Yuan Ku, Wen Huai Hsieh, Fu Howe Chen, Ying Pi Yang

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1 Scopus citations


Objectives: The aim of this study was to understand the critical factors influencing the adoption of the Release of Prescription Information System (RPIS) from the perspectives of physicians and pharmacists based on the Information System Success Model and Social Ties. Methods: A survey was conducted to identify those factors that affected the adoption of the RPIS. Subjects were physicians and pharmacists who joined the RPIS project. Multiple regression analysis was used to investigate the factors which were most influential in the adoption of the system. Results: System quality was the key factor influencing system use; service quality did not influence system use and user satisfaction; information quality did not influence user satisfaction; system quality influenced user satisfaction from the physicians' perspective and system use influenced user satisfaction from the pharmacists' perspective; rapport and trust had a significant and positive influence on system use and user satisfaction. Conclusions: Both system use and user satisfaction influenced net benefits. Physicians and pharmacists were most concerned about system quality. In addition to system characteristics, the interaction affected system use and user satisfaction. System developers should have more interaction with physicians and pharmacists during system implementation in order to improve system use and user satisfaction.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)505-517
Number of pages13
JournalTaiwan Journal of Public Health
Issue number6
StatePublished - Dec 2010


  • Information system success model
  • Release of prescription information system
  • Separation of drug prescribing and dispensing
  • Social ties


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