Evaluating the effectiveness of population-based breast cancer service screening: an analysis of parsimonious patient survival information with the time-varying Cox model

Rene Wei Jung Chang, Grace Hsiao Hsuan Jen, Kuan Chia Lin, Tsung Chi Cheng, Shao Yuan Chuang, Shin Liang Pan, Tony Hsiu Hsi Chen, Amy Ming Fang Yen*

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Background: This study is aimed at estimating the unbiased effectiveness of population-based breast cancer service screening based on case survival information alone rather than large-scale individual screening data pursuant to the intention-to-treat principle of a randomized-controlled trial. Methods: A novel time-dependent switched design with two modalities of cancer detection (screen-detected vs clinically detected) was proposed to evaluate the effectiveness of breast cancer screening. We used data on 767 patients from Kopparberg in the Swedish Two-County trial and on 78 587 patients in the Taiwan population-based service screening. We estimated the relative rate of the screen-detected vs the clinically detected with adjustment for both truncation and lead-time biases. The absolute effectiveness in terms of the number needed to screen (NNS) for averting one death from breast cancer was estimated. Results: The relative rate of effectiveness was estimated as 33%, which was consistent with the 37% reported from the original Swedish randomized-controlled trial. The corresponding estimate for the Taiwan screening programme was 42%, which was also very close to that estimated using individual screening history data (41%). Both relative estimates were further applied to yield 446 and 806 of NNS for averting one death from breast cancer for the corresponding two data sets. Conclusion: The proposed time-dependent switched design and analysis with two modalities of case survival information provides a very efficient means for estimating the unbiased estimates of relative and absolute effectiveness of population-based breast cancer service screening dispensing with a large amount of individual screening history data.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1910-1919
Number of pages10
JournalInternational Journal of Epidemiology
Issue number6
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2022


  • ITT effectiveness
  • mammography screening
  • survival analysis
  • time-dependent


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