Efficient wear leveling in NAND flash memory

Yuan Hao Chang*, Li-Pin Chang

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Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review

5 Scopus citations


In recent years, flash storage devices such as solid-state drives (SSDs) and flash cards have become a popular choice for the replacement of hard disk drives, especially in the applications of mobile computing devices and consumer electronics. However, the physical constraints of flash memory pose a lifetime limitation on these storage devices. New technologies for ultra-high density flash memory such as multilevel-cell (MLC) flash further degrade flash endurance and worsen this lifetime concern. As a result, flash storage devices may experience a unexpectedly short lifespan, especially when accessing these devices with high frequencies. In order to enhance the endurance of flash storage device, various wear leveling algorithms are proposed to evenly erase blocks of the flash memory so as to prevent wearing out any block excessively. In this chapter, various existing wear leveling algorithms are investigated to point out their design issues and potential problems. Based on this investigation, two efficient wear leveling algorithms (i.e., the evenness-aware algorithm and dual-pool algorithm) are presented to solve the problemsof the existing algorithmswith the considerationsof the limited computing power and memory space in flash storage devices. The evenness-aware algorithm maintains a bit array to keep track of the distribution of block erases to prevent any cold data from staying in any block for a long period of time. The dual-pool algorithm maintains one hot pool and one cold pool to maintain the blocks that store hot data and cold data, respectively, and the excessively erased blocks in the hot pool are exchanged with the rarely erased blocks in the cold pool to prevent any block from being erased excessively. In this chapter, a series of explanationsand analyses shows that these two wear leveling algorithms could evenly distribute block erases to the whole flash memory to enhance the endurance of flash memory.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationSpringer Series in Advanced Microelectronics
PublisherSpringer Verlag
Number of pages25
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2013

Publication series

NameSpringer Series in Advanced Microelectronics
ISSN (Print)1437-0387


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