Efficient Continuous-Wave Self-Raman Nd:KGW Laser with Intracavity Cascade Emission Based on Shift of 89 cm-1

Cheng Yu Tang, Wei Zhe Zhuang, Kuan-Wei Su, Yung-Fu Chen

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11 Scopus citations


We demonstrated a continuous-wave (CW) self-Raman laser with high conversion efficiency by using Nd:KGW as the Raman crystal based on the Raman shift of 89 cm-1. The maximum Raman output power was as high as 0.42 W under the pump power of 2.5 W. The diode-To-Stokes optical conversion efficiency was found to be 16.8% which is outstanding among Nd-doped CW self-Raman lasers. Besides, three resonators have been investigated to generate CW self-Raman lasers with different Raman shift of the Nd:KGW crystal at 1077.9 nm (89 cm-1), 1162.9 nm (768 cm-1), 1181.2 nm (901 cm-1), and 1193.7 nm (89 {\hbox{cm}}^{-1} + 901 {\hbox{cm}}^{-1} ). These Raman lasers pave the way to generate more-closely spaced set of CW emission in the green-yellow-orange region.

Original languageEnglish
Article number6930740
Number of pages6
JournalIEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2015


  • Continuous wave laser
  • diode-pumped laser
  • high conversion efficiency
  • self-Raman laser


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