Dynamically tuning aggression levels for capacity-region-aware medium access control in wireless networks

Yi Shing Liou, Rung-Hung Gau, Chung Ju Chang

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6 Scopus citations


We propose adaptive capacity-region-aware algorithms for medium access control in wireless networks. In particular, the proposed algorithms are aware of the information-theoretic capacity region of a multiple access channel. According to the proposed algorithms, a node dynamically adjusts its channel access strategy based on the previous strategies of other nodes and the channel feedback. A strategy is composed of a transmission threshold and an aggression level. We propose symmetric learning algorithms for maximizing throughput. In addition, we propose asymmetric learning algorithms to strike a good balance between throughput and fairness. Furthermore, we propose novel methods to properly choose a finite number of available data transmission rates. We use both analytical results and simulation results to justify the usage of the proposed algorithms.

Original languageEnglish
Article number6747292
Pages (from-to)1766-1778
Number of pages13
JournalIEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications
Issue number4
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2014


  • capacity region
  • information theory
  • Medium access control
  • wireless networks


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