Dust transport from non-East Asian sources to the North Pacific

Shih Chieh Hsu, Chih An Huh*, Chuan Yao Lin, Wei Nai Chen, Natalie M. Mahowald, Shaw Chen Liu, C. C.K. Chou, Mao Chang Liang, Chuen-Tinn Tsai, Fei Jan Lin, Jen Ping Chen, Yi Tang Huang

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32 Scopus citations


It is generally thought that East Asia dominates the supply of eolian dust to the North Pacific. Here we show the first data-based evidence of dust primarily from non-East Asian sources even during March 2010 when a super dust storm from East Asia struck the western Pacific. Chemical characteristics of aerosol samples collected at a high-mountain site in Taiwan show variable inputs from eolian dust and biomass burning. From backward trajectory analyses, satellite observation and model simulation, dust origins can be traced to the Middle East and North Africa, suggesting an integrated source from the global dust belt. Our global model results demonstrate that dust deposition in the North Pacific is primarily contributed by non-East Asian sources with an eastward decrease along the Westerlies.

Original languageEnglish
Article numberL12804
JournalGeophysical Research Letters
Issue number12
StatePublished - 28 Jun 2012


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