Differences in physiological signals due to age and exercise habits of subjects during cycling exercise

Szu Yu Lin, Chi Wen Jao, Po Shan Wang, Michelle Liou, Jun Liang Wu, Hsiao Chun, Ching Ting Tseng, Yu Te Wu*

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


Numerous studies indicated the physical benefits of regular exercise, but the neurophysiological mechanisms of regular exercise in elders were less investigated. We aimed to compare changes in brain activity during exercise in elderly people and in young adults with and without regular exercise habits. A total of 36 healthy young adults (M/F:18/18) and 35 healthy elderly adults (M/F:20/15) participated in this study. According to exercise habits, each age group were classified into regular and occasional exerciser groups. ECG, EEG, and EMG signals were recorded using VAMP with a 1-kHz sampling rate. The participants were instructed to perform three 5-min bicycle rides with different exercise loads. The EEG spectral power of elders who exercised regularly revealed the strongest positive correlation with their exercise intensity by using Pearson correlation analysis. The results demonstrate that exercise-induced significant cortical activation in the elderly participants who exercised regularly, and most of the p-values are less than 0.001. No significant correlation was observed between spectral power and exercise intensity in the elders who exercised occasionally. The young participants who exercised regularly had greater cardiac and neurobiological efficiency. Our results may provide a new exercise therapy reference for adult groups with different exercise habits, especially for the elders.

Original languageEnglish
Article number7220
Issue number21
StatePublished - 1 Nov 2021


  • Age
  • Brain activity
  • ECG
  • EEG
  • EMG
  • Exercise
  • Exercise habit


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