Comparison of the interactions of the adenovinis type 2 major core protein and its precursor with DNA

Pradeep K. Chatterjee*, U. C. Yang, S. J. Flint

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12 Scopus citations


The interactions of the major core protein of adenovirus type 2 (Ad2) protein VII, and its precursor, protein pre-VII, with viral DHA, were studied using UV light induoed crossllnklng of 32P-labelled ollgonuoleotldes to the proteins. Proteolytio fragments of these two proteins that oontaln DNA-bindlng donalns were Identified by virtue of their oovalently attaohed, alkali-resistant 32P-radioaotivity. The overall effioienoy of orossllnking of protein pre-VII to DHA, in H2ts1 virions assembled at 39°C, was comparable to that of the orosslinklng of protein Til to DHA in Ad2 virions. However, a protease T8 fragment comprising the H-terminal half of protein pre-VII orosslinked to DHA at least ten tines Bore efficiently than the corresponding B-termlnal fragnent of protein Til, whlob is truncated by the reaoval of 23 amino adds fron the H-temlnus of protein pre-VII during virion saturation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2721-2735
Number of pages15
JournalNucleic acids research
Issue number6
StatePublished - 11 Mar 1986


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