Aerosol penetration properties of an electret filter with submicron aerosols with various operating factors

Shinhao Yang, Whei May G. Lee, Hsiao Lin Huang, Yi Chin Huang*, Chin Hsiang Luo, Chih Cheng Wu, Kuo Pin Yu

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37 Scopus citations


This study was undertaken to determine the effects of using an electret filter on aerosol penetration. Various factors, including particle size (0.05 to 0.5 μ m), aerosol charge state (neutral and single charge), face velocity (0.1, 0.3, 0.5 and 1.0 m/s), and relative humidity (RH 30% and RH 70%), were examined to assess their effects on aerosol collection characteristics. The results presented here demonstrate that the electric fields of the electret and discharged filter were -1.53 × 104 and -1.3 × 10 2 (V/m). The penetration through the electret filter with singly charged aerosol and neutral aerosol ranged from 0.4% to 13% and 14% to 29%, respectively. According to these results, the coulombic capture force was dominant for the smaller aerosol and the dielectrophoretic capture mechanism was considered important for the larger aerosol. The level of penetration through the electret filter increased with increasing face velocity and relative humidity. The temperature did not affect the penetration through the electret. Furthermore, from the regression analysis conducted during the operating conditions of this work, the aerosol charge was shown to exert the greatest influence on aerosol penetration.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)51-57
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Environmental Science and Health - Part A Toxic/Hazardous Substances and Environmental Engineering
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Jan 2007


  • Aerosol charge state
  • Aerosol penetration
  • Electret filter
  • Surface charge


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