Accuracy of Inhance 3D Velocity-Based Magnetic Resonance Phase Contrast Venography in Intracranial Venous Steno-occlusive Disease

張 秀寧, 廖 贊傑, 許 敦韋, 李 達彬, 顏 玉樹, 吳 秀美, 范 源洪, 洪 聖哲, Jiing-Feng Lirng

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Phase contrast magnetic resonance venography (PC-MRV) can image intracranial veins without administration of contrast agent, but the conventional PC-MRV is not widely used because of the long scanning time. The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of Inhance 3D Velocity-based MRV (Inhance-MRV), a recently developed, optimized phase-contrast pulse sequence, in comparison with that of contrast-enhanced MRV (CE-MRV) for assessing intracranial venous steno-occlusive disease. Eighteen consecutive patients referred for presurgical evaluation of meningiomas or skull base tumor s underwent Inhance-MRV and CE-MRV in a 3T MR scanner. Two experienced radiologists individually scored the stenotic grades of the venous segments on a five-point scale and another rater measured the venous diameters. The intraclass correlation coefficient of interobserver agreement of the stenotic scores was 0.725. In the segment-based analysis, the sensitivity and specificity of Inhance-MRV (≥ 50% stenosis) was 94.4% and 83.3% in all venous segments, and 100% and 87.2% in major venous segments. False positive cases that Inhance-MRV exaggerated venous stenosis are much more common (n = 19) than false negative case (n = 1). The most common locations of disconcordant findings occur in the inferior sagittal sinus (8/18, 44.4%) and transverse sinuses (7/36, 19.4%). Inhance-MRV can provide fast and high-resolution non-contrast magnetic venography. It has high sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing intracranial venous stenosis. However, it inherently tends to underestimate vessel diameters and overestimate stenotic grades. Therefore, the radiologists should be familiar with the common locations of false positive findings to avoid misdiagnosis.
Translated title of the contribution三維磁振相位對比靜脈攝影評估顱內靜脈阻塞疾病之準確性
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)20-30
Number of pages11
Issue number1
StatePublished - 1 Mar 2017


  • Phase contrast
  • magnetic resonance venography
  • venous stenosis


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