A social selection mechanism for sports betting market

Yung Ming Li*, Chin Yu Hsieh, Shi Nien Fan

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


With the trend of negative interest rates, people have higher motivation to invest financial products by themselves rather than saving in the banks. Besides, the Supreme Court of US lets states legalize sport betting, which makes sports betting a hot rising investment target. With the advancement of social platforms, people can share their investment experience on the Internet. Along with the paradigm, social sports betting platforms, in which people can share their betting experiences and selections with each other, were promisingly developed. To identify valuable information and profitable selections, the bettor must have sports insights and betting experiences, which is a significant barrier. In this study, we propose a sports betting selection mechanism based on machine learning driven collective intelligence from the experts in the social betting platforms, to help bettor make their selections.

Original languageEnglish
Article number114119
JournalDecision Support Systems
StateAccepted/In press - 2023


  • Collective intelligence
  • Intelligent investment
  • Recommendation system
  • Social platform
  • Sports betting


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