A social endorsing mechanism for target advertisement diffusion

Lien Fa Lin*, Yung-Ming Li, Wen Hsiang Wu

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

25 Scopus citations


Social media plays an increasingly important role in people's daily lives and attracts companies to conduct marketing activities. Determining how to effectively utilize this new media to distribute promotional advertisements to suitable customers is thus an important issue. In this research, an endorser-based social diffusing mechanism, which considers the factors of users' preferences, influence, and diffusion power, is proposed to enhance the effectiveness of target advertising by discovering the most appropriate endorsers that can propagate the ads to the identified target users. Our experimental results show the proposed model can appropriately enhance satisfaction and target delivery rate.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)982-997
Number of pages16
JournalInformation and Management
Issue number8
StatePublished - 1 Dec 2015


  • Diffusion mechanism
  • Influence analysis
  • Social endorsement
  • Social media
  • Target advertising


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