A novel certificateless signature scheme for smart objects in the internet-of-things

Kuo Hui Yeh, Chunhua Su*, Kim Kwang Raymond Choo, Wayne Chiu

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

66 Scopus citations


Rapid advances in wireless communications and pervasive computing technologies have resulted in increasing interest and popularity of Internet-of-Things (IoT) architecture, ubiquitously providing intelligence and convenience to our daily life. In IoT-based network environments, smart objects are embedded everywhere as ubiquitous things connected in a pervasive manner. Ensuring security for interactions between these smart things is significantly more important, and a topic of ongoing interest. In this paper, we present a certificateless signature scheme for smart objects in IoT-based pervasive computing environments. We evaluate the utility of the proposed scheme in IoT-oriented testbeds, i.e., Arduino Uno and Raspberry PI 2. Experiment results present the practicability of the proposed scheme. Moreover, we revisit the scheme of Wang et al. (2015) and revealed that a malicious super type I adversary can easily forge a legitimate signature to cheat any receiver as he/she wishes in the scheme. The superiority of the proposed certificateless signature scheme over relevant studies is demonstrated in terms of the summarized security and performance comparisons.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1001
JournalSensors (Switzerland)
Issue number5
StatePublished - May 2017


  • Certificateless signature
  • Internet-of-things (IoT)
  • Security
  • Sensors


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