健康照護入口網站建置支援系統之開發: 以糖尿病照護為例

Translated title of the contribution: Development of a Health Care Portal Building Toolkit: A Case of Diabetes Health Management Portal

唐 千惠, Po-Lun Chang

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle


Health care portal has been thought as a promising solution for all health maintainers, which provides a powerful and flexible platform for both health providers and consumers to visualize, communicate and exchange their own information. However, it takes great efforts to set up a portal that feature all aspects including user experience, security, ease of deployment, performance, and manageability.
We proposed a health care portal building toolkit, which bases on a generic portal framework, ASP.NET Portal Starter Kit. Multi-tier application architecture has been used to separate code design and content maintenance. The secure and configurable authentication control guarantees different user roles and access levels. Medical knowledge, most important, was reorganized into diverse reusable and customizable functional sections to meet every need of health providers and consumers.
Since diabetes care is an important issue, a diabetes health management portal was constructed by using our health care portal building toolkit as an example. The diabetes health management portal was tested and verified by nursing staffs of Public Health Center in Taipei. They agreed that the toolkit was an easy use and full functional system that could reduce time, cost as well as technology barrier.
In conclusion, health care portal building toolkit provides a simple, cheaper and feasible solution for e-medical care. Each portal can be interconnected and used to deliver personalized health care to everyone.
Translated title of the contributionDevelopment of a Health Care Portal Building Toolkit: A Case of Diabetes Health Management Portal
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)71-95
Number of pages25
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1 Jun 2006


  • Portal
  • Healthcare
  • Diabetes


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