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This research is a part of the 'Taiwan Corpora of Chinese Emotions and Biobehavioral Data' project, aiming for building a music emotion corpora that centers on the felt, rather than the perceived emotions of Taiwanese listeners. The scope of this research includes: (1) constructing a database of emotion-triggering music stimuli, and the felt emotions of the listeners; (2) inspecting the emotion spectrum induced by music; (3) evaluating the differences in music emotions across three age groups. Non-musical factors were carefully controlled in the selection of 240 music clips. Felt emotions of the listeners were measured on 20 emotion categories. A total of 4,799 participants from middle high, high school, and university age group were recruited in this study. Participants of all groups tend to report more positive emotions than the negative. Some specific negative emotions cannot be induced by music. The responses of middle high school students are different from that of the high school and university students, being weaker in amplitude, and less sensitive to darker emotions. All experimental materials and response data can be retrieved in either music-centered, or emotion-category-centered search mode, and are open to the research community.
Original languageChinese (Traditional)
Pages (from-to)571 - 599
Number of pages29
Journal中華心理學刊 Chinese Journal of Psychology
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2013

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