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2048 Group Of Taiwan 2048 Bot Tournament, Tesl, TeSL
Wu, I.-C. (Recipient), 2014
Prize: Honorary award
FUZZ-IEEE 2015 人腦與電腦圍棋對抗賽 CGI 程式於19路圍棋H4, 獲得二勝(業餘六段)
Wu, I.-C. (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Honorary award
Wu, I.-C. (Recipient), 2013
Prize: Honorary award
K.T. Lee Breakthrough Award, Institute of Information & Computing Machinery
Tseng, S. (Recipient), 2014
Prize: Honorary award
Meritorious Teaching Award, National Chiao Tung University
Wu, I.-C. (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Honorary award
Meritorious Teaching Award, National Chiao Tung University
Hu, Y.-J. (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Honorary award
Meritorious Teaching Award, National Chiao Tung University
Hu, Y.-J. (Recipient), 2007
Prize: Honorary award
Outstanding Professor Of Electrical Engineering, The Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering
Tseng, S. (Recipient), 2014
Prize: Honorary award
Outstanding Research Award, Ministry of Science and Technology
Tseng, S. (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Honorary award
Outstanding Teaching Award, College of Computer Science, National Chiao Tung University
Wu, I.-C. (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Honorary award
Outstanding Teaching Award, College of Computer Science, National Chiao Tung University
Hu, Y.-J. (Recipient), 2014
Prize: Honorary award
Outstanding Teaching Award, National Chiao Tung University
Wu, I.-C. (Recipient), 2011
Prize: Honorary award
Threes! Group Of Taiwan 2048 Bot Tournament, Tesl, TeSL
Wu, I.-C. (Recipient), 2014
Prize: Honorary award
Y. Z. Hsu Scientific Paper Award, Far Eastern Y. Z. Hsu Science and Technology Memorial Foundation
Huang, J.-L. (Recipient), 2011
Prize: Honorary award
中華民國人工智慧學會電腦賽局競賽榮獲三金(Dark chess 8x8, Go 9x9 and NoGo)、三銀
Wu, I.-C. (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Honorary award
中華民國人工智慧學會電腦賽局競賽榮獲六金(Dark chess 8x8, Connect6, Go 9x9, NoGo, Mahjong, 2048)、四銀
Wu, I.-C. (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Honorary award
第二十屆奧林匹亞電腦賽局競賽榮獲六金(Dark chess, Mahjong, Go 9x9, Go 13x13, Chinese chess, Einstein)
Wu, I.-C. (Recipient), 2017
Prize: Honorary award
第十九屆奧林匹亞電腦賽局競賽榮獲三金(Dark chess, 2048 and Mahjong)、三銅(19x19 Go, 13x13 Go, 9x9 Go)
Wu, I.-C. (Recipient), 2016
Prize: Honorary award
第十八屆奧林匹亞電腦賽局競賽 榮獲五金(Dark chess, Nogo, Nonogram, 2048 and Mahjong)、三銀(Nogo, 2048 and Chinese chess)、一銅(Go 9x9)
Wu, I.-C. (Recipient), 2015
Prize: Honorary award